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New research study showing that people who develop a non melanoma skin cancer (so a basal or squamous cell skin cancer), before the age of 25 have a significantly higher risk of developing other types of cancers in the future.

By March 7, 2014June 21st, 2020No Comments
New research study showing that people who develop a non melanoma skin cancer (so a basal or squamous cell skin cancer), before the age of 25 have a significantly higher risk of developing other types of cancers in the future.

Their risks of developing salivary gland cancer and melanoma were especially high — 93 times higher risk for salivary gland cancer and 94 times higher risk for melanoma. Also there is higher risk of bone cancer (53 times higher risk), blood cancers (26 times higher risk) and brain cancer (20 times higher risk).

It is not clear why this is occurring, but this is definitely something I will inform this patient group about.